Release Date : Feb 24, 2012 Limited Genre Movie :Drama,Art House & International,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Dominique Abel,Fiona Gordon,Philippe Martz,Bruno Romy,Vladimir Zongo,Destine M'Bikulu Mayemba,Willson Goma,Didier Armbruster,Anais Lemarchand,Lenny Martz,Emilie Horcholle,Sandrine Morin,Christophe Philippe dit K...,Alexandre Xenakis,Ophelia Anfry,Olivier Parenty,Therese Fichert,Christelle Thibon,Dominique Gallay,Sarah Bensoussan
Belgium-based trio Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon and Bruno Romy follow their acclaimed Iceberg and Rumba with another Tati-inspired, candy-colored romp: this time, a charmingly off-kilter adventure about a hotel clerk who falls in love with a wish-granting fairy. -- (C) Kino Lorber Unrated
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New Review For Movie The Fairy
The story cuts corners, so it's not the masterpiece these filmmakers may yet create - but when they're on, this is jolly and so cute you'll sigh.Trevor Johnston-Time Out
There may be better films in the theaters this week, but there surely is none easier to like than "The Fairy."
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
Do yourself and your kids a favor. On the way to multiplex to see "The Avengers," tell them "The Fairy" is about an all-powerful superheroine. Someday, they'll find the words to thank you.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Its appeal is ... in watching people who have devised their own original style of comic performance and have taken it to a rare level of refinement.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle
It's a slight film, and it's over just as you're thinking it should be, but it's both sweet and refreshingly tart...
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times
The vibe's too rarefied to last the length of a feature film - and it doesn't - but when "The Fairy" is on, it creates entirely new comic synapses in your head.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe
It's often a lot of fun with some dance numbers thrown in.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post
It's simultaneously a very knowing and strangely innocent film...
Tom Dawson-The List
The best that can be said for The Fairy is that it certainly creates its own world. However, it's one I wanted to get out of almost as soon as it began.
Jason Solomons-Observer [UK]
I personally admired and cringed at about the same time.
-This is London
If you like Tati-esque japes, Francophone clowns Abel, Gordon and Romy should be just up your alley.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
All over the place, but somehow it retains a sweet tonal cohesiveness.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies
A fairy that can't quite cast a spell.
Tim Evans-Sky Movies
For pure entertainment and high-spirited comedy value, The Fairy is as good as any gone before ... once you have seen one of their films, you'll never forget it that's for sure.
Not all of the jokes land perfectly (a late telephone gag treads too much water), but The Fairy remains infectiously funny throughout.
Josh Winning-Total Film
This has to be one of the most imaginative, articulately planned, strange, wacky, whimsical, unique and flat out hysterical films I have seen in at least a few years.
Austin Kennedy-Sin Magazine
As slight and tasty as a Popsicle on a hot day, the movie gets its fun from its freedom, from how regularly its blithe characters find themselves in impossible situations and how effortlessly they wriggle out of them.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
perfect timing, improvisational talents and [an] exuberant screenplay turn an absurd comedy into a thoroughly enjoyable absurdist comedy
Emily S.
The clownish night clerk and his fairy princess swoop and pratfall through a series of physical vignettes that leave us in stitches.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express
Though occasionally the absurd humor falls flat, the attempt to forge something utterly unlike anything else happening in cinema today gives this film a mesmerizing and memorable charm.
Peg Aloi-Boston Phoenix
New Movie Images The Fairy
Movie Overview For The Fairy
A hotel clerk searches all over Le Havre for the fairy who made two of his three wishes come true before disappearing.TagLine The Fairy
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Unknown - Rabu, 17 Juli 2013
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