Release Date : Feb 10, 2012 Limited Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Robert Wieckiewicz,Benno Fürmann,Agnieszka Grochowska,Maria Schrader,Herbert Knaup,Marcin Bosak,Julia Kijowska,Jerzy Walczak,Oliwier Stanczak,Milla Bankowicz,Krzysztof Skonieczny,Kinga Preis,Olek Mincer,Piotr Glowacki,Maria Semotiuk,Michal Zurawski,Malgorzata Pieczynska,Etel Szyc,Weronika Rosati,Andrzej Mastalerz
From acclaimed director Agnieszka Holland, In Darkness is based on a true story. Leopold Socha, a sewer worker and petty thief in Lvov, a Nazi occupied city in Poland, one day encounters a group of Jews trying to escape the liquidation of the ghetto. He hides them for money in the labyrinth of the town's sewers beneath the bustling activity of the city above. What starts out as a straightforward and cynical business arrangement turns into something very unexpected, the unlikely alliance between Socha and the Jews as the enterprise seeps deeper into Socha's conscience. The film is also an extraordinary story of survival as these men, women and children all try to outwit certain death during 14 months of ever increasing and intense danger. -- (C) Sony Pictures Classics
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New Review For Movie In Darkness
Based on a true story, "In Darkness" is obviously tough to watch, especially since Holland's camera is both unforgiving and relentlessly human.Tom Long-Detroit News
It positively clamours for your attention.
Trevor Johnston-Time Out
The film is a morally challenging examination of the vexed Polish Catholic-Jewish relations of the era and a rich portrait of a man moving almost reluctantly toward righteousness.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
Based on the true story of Leopold Socha, a Catholic Polish sewer worker who hid a group of Jews over a period of 14 months in the underground tunnels of Lvov.
John Hartl-Seattle Times
More than half of In Darkness takes place underground, shrouded in rank, oppressive shadows. But the movie also glows bright with life and hope.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald
The chiseled Furmann gives Mundek a savvy, even moral, brawn. As Paulina, Maria Schrader makes an argument for gentle yet pragmatic maternalism.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post
The Academy Award-nominated film does not disappoint in terms of performances or presentation, except for its length. A good percentage of its 145 minutes is spent in subterranean near-darkness.
Matt Kelemen-Las Vegas CityLife
The effect of all this slow-moving redundancy is like 'Schindler's List' on sleeping pills. It turns a tale of improbable rescue and survival into a boring homework assignment.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
In Darkness is an emotionally tough, well made film that shows that, despite their inherent familiarity, there are still plenty of great stories to emerge from mankind's darkest hour.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat
The main thrust of the film mines the familiar territory of Schindler's List for sure, but In Darkness distinguishes itself by mixing strong characterizations of the families living underground with lots of suspense and claustrophobia.
With any serious, well-made drama about the horrors of the Holocaust comes the value its worthiness over its qualities as entertainment...In Darkness is gritty, gruelling stuff...But it is a long, slow-moving story.
Jim Schembri-3AW
With straits at least as dire as those in The Diary of Anne Frank (and moral dimensions far more murky), In Darkness deals with survival at whatever cost, including compromise of personal principles. [Blu-ray]
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
In Darkness is a complex film as the divisions between acting for mercenary reasons and ethical ones are often uncertain.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy
Emotionally demanding and cinematically challenging, In Darkness tells us - repeats for us - what we must always remember about human nature: everyone can redeem themselves
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile
"In Darkness" is a powerful film about those who refuse to yield, either to certain death or to complicity with evil.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI) extraordinarily well-made film, one that manages to effectively convey small truths about the nature of being human.
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
For her latest film, Agnieszka Holland (Europa Europa) again turns to a fascinating footnote from that chapter in history.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing
Though the film seems a bit long at almost two and a half hours, Holland needs that time to make the huddled cluster of Jews distinguishable as individuals.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer
What lingers aren't Holland's recreated atrocities but simpler, unexpected moments, as when a little girl who has become used to life in a sewer removes a rat from atop her coloring book as nonchalantly as if it were a fallen leaf.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
This tale of fugitive Polish Jews hiding under the streets of Lvov, aided by a reluctant Catholic sewerage inspector, may be based on true events, but it sometimes feels like an entire season of soap opera scripts crammed into feature length.
Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)
When the film ends, you will feel - as do the Jews who return to the surface -that you need to gulp down as much fresh air as your lungs can hold.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)
The most consistent and effective element is Robert Wieckiewicz's performance as the plumber...
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
It's a well-crafted, well-intentioned historical drama that's long on history and short on truly engaging drama.
Josh Bell-Las Vegas Weekly
For anyone in the mood, this is a solid account of another of those remarkable World War Two stories which simply take your breath away when you watch them unfold on screen.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post
Holland does root around in some grubby, previously unexplored corners, but the film never quite breaks free from that conventional structure.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times
In lieu of presenting anything particularly insightful or compelling in its own right, In Darkness relies on the weight of history to make a case for watching it.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman
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Movie Overview For In Darkness
A dramatization of one man's rescue of Jewish refugees in the Nazi-occupied Polish city of Lvov. In Darkness tells the true story of Leopold Soha who risks his own life to save a dozen people from certain death. Initially only interested in his own good, the thief and burglar hides Jewish refugees for 14 months in the sewers of the Nazi-occupied town of Lvov (former Poland).TagLine In Darkness
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